Is it possible to travel to Europe's most popular destination by plane... but by train? The answer is yes! Louanne and Matéo are taking on the challenge of crossing Europe by low-carbon transport, from Paris to Santorini. This small Greek island is famous for its photos of influencers surrounded by white huts and blue roofs.To get there, they're going to discover secret paradise spots, meet some amazing people and discover some surprising countries. It's an extraordinary adventure that will amaze the two friends and show them just how much is hidden along the road we're used to flying over.


Is it possible to travel to Europe's most popular destination by plane... but by train? The answer is yes! Louanne and Matéo are taking on the challenge of crossing Europe by low-carbon transport, from Paris to Santorini. This small Greek island is famous for its photos of influencers surrounded by white huts and blue roofs.To get there, they're going to discover secret paradise spots, meet some amazing people and discover some surprising countries. It's an extraordinary adventure that will amaze the two friends and show them just how much is hidden along the road we're used to flying over.

What's it about?

What's it about?

Season 2

(english subtitles not yet available)

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I went to Santorini... BY TRAIN - part 2 #LOUANNE

I went to Santorini... BY TRAIN - part 2 #LOUANNE

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30 days to get to Greece plane-free - part 1 #LOUANNE

30 days to get to Greece plane-free - part 1 #LOUANNE

Is it possible to travel to Europe's most popular destination by plane... but by train? The answer is yes! Louanne and Matéo are taking on the challenge of crossing Europe by low-carbon transport, from Paris to Santorini. This small Greek island is famous for its photos of influencers surrounded by white huts and blue roofs. 
To get there, they're going to discover secret paradise spots, meet some amazing people and discover some surprising countries.
It's an extraordinary adventure that will amaze the two friends and show them just how much is hidden along the road we're used to flying over. 
Louanne was accompanied in this project by the Zero Emission Group (ZEG) founded in 2019 as an association of EPFL students to fight the climate crisis through collaborative engagement of the public, academic and private sectors. Their projects cover a wide range of issues, from sustainable finance to responsible food. Their contribution to this project was made by their largest team: the Life Cycle Assessment. For more information: https://zeroemission.group/
For these two videos, ZEG produced a final report, i.e. a comparative eco-balance study of Louanne's trip from Paris to Santorini. They have also made available all the figures in Louanne's notebook to show the carbon impact of everything she did during her adventure. These documents are only available in French for the moment. 

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