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(english subtitles available)
There’s a lot of fake news circulating about electric cars and it’s important to clarify a few things and talk about their environmental impact. Jojol turned to Romain Sacchi of Switzerland’s Paul Scherrer Institute to help him do that and learn more about the topic while learning about the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars. They looked at the real-world test that showed with equal energy consumption, electric cars cover a much greater distance than combustion engine vehicles.
Reducing the impact of cars on climate is a pressing priority. However, opinion is divided on how best to reach that goal: with hydrogen or battery cars, or conventional vehicles using carbon-neutral fuels. To quantify potential environmental comprises, the Paul Scherrer Institute developed tools to evaluate life-cycle impacts. In this video we compare a gasoline car and a battery-powered electric car in terms of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. We conclude that battery-powered electric cars perform better in 24 out of 30 European countries examined (Sacchi et. al., 2022). For 2025/2030 all of them would attain that result. Nonetheless electric cars must become lighter to reduce emitting fine particles into the air.
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